Unfortunately, privacy legislation generally lags behind companies 'ability to collect, compile and analyze data. 不幸的是,有关隐私保护的立法总是赶不上某些公司收集、整编和分析数据的步伐。
Privacy advocates continued to express anger legislation Wednesday on the House floor, creating unlikely alliances between some conservatives and left-leaning members. 周三,隐私倡导者继续在众议院表达对法案的不满,促使一些保守派议员和左翼议员极其罕见地结成了同盟。
Various federal agencies, including the FTC and Department of Commerce, have recommended similar privacy rights in the past, but broad legislation has failed to get traction. 美国联邦贸易委员会和商务部等众多联邦机构都进行过类似的保护隐私权提议,但一直没能立法。
The practice hangs in legal limbo at the moment, say employment lawyers and privacy advocates, thanks to the inability of legislation and case law to keep pace with innovation. 劳动法律师和隐私权倡导者称,由于立法和判例法没能跟上创新的脚步,这种做法目前尚处于法律的灰色地带。
Where the Company's operations are subject to privacy legislation other than that of Hong Kong SAR, then this policy shall be applied so far as practicable and consistent with such local legislation. 当公司的运作受制于香港特别行政区以外的私隐法例时,此政策将在可行并与该法例相符的情况下实施。
To protect the natural persons right of privacy is an important task of civil legislation in China. 保护自然人的隐私权是我国民事立法的一项重要任务。
For further details on the Company's compliance with the Ordinance and any other privacy legislation, please contact the Company's Privacy Compliance Officer at the address listed below. 如欲索取本公司有关遵守条例及其他私隐法例的资料,请致函下列地址联络本公司的私隐条例事务主任。
But Chinese legal experts and scholars have called for more robust privacy legislation to regulate the use of video footage and impose penalties on its abuse. 不过,有中国法律专家和学者呼吁要用更健全的隐私法律对录像镜头使用进行监管并对滥用行为予以惩罚。
Every province has privacy legislation governing the collection, use and disclosure of personal information held by government agencies. 每个省都有隐私立法,对政府机构持有的个人信息的收集、使用和披露进行规制。
Without the privacy legislation, the regulating function of the privacy-protecting policy made by networks can't be exerted, and its informing function becomes a mere formality in our country. 摘要在没有隐私立法的情况下,我国网站隐私权保护政策的制约功能不能发挥,告之功能流于形式。
Therefore, it is very important to study the legal system of privacy right protection and improve the legislation of privacy right and its legal protection. 因此,深入探讨隐私权法律制度,对如何完善我国隐私权立法和法律保护制度十分重要。
The right to privacy and its legislation 隐私权及其立法
On Our Country Privacy Detection Measure Legislation Consummation 论我国秘密侦查措施立法的完善
Taking the open trial system as the premise, it is necessary and feasible to give the special protection to litigant's right of privacy in the legislation and the law enforcement, no hindering the protection of the knowing right and the trial surveillance. 以公开审判制度为前提,在立法和法律适用中对离婚案件当事人的隐私权予以特别保护是必要和可行的,不妨碍知情权保护和审判监督。
As there is conflict between the freedom on Internet and the privacy rights of others, network legislation should do something to make a balance between them under the guidance of the spirit of the Constitution. 对于网络表达自由与他人名誉、隐私等权益的冲突,网络立法有必要在宪法精神指导下对此做一平衡。
Our current Internet privacy protection is still in its infancy. Network privacy legislation is relatively less and dispersed and there is no formation system. This is one of the reasons why our legal regulation model develops slowly. 我国目前的网络隐私权的保护还处于初始阶段,在网络隐私权保护方面的立法比较少也比较分散,没有形成体系,这也是为什么我国的法律规制模式发展缓慢的原因之一。
Only when investigators have strong protective consciousness of privacy, the protective legislation can really be implemented. 只有当侦查人员具有保障隐私权的强烈意识时,关于隐私权保障的立法才能真正得到落实。
Secondly, analysis the reasons of privacy violated i.e. the serious vacancy of legislation, the juridical authorities 'improper judicial actions, the random news reports, and in lack of consciousness of protecting the human rights. 接着分析造成刑事被害人隐私权容易遭受侵犯的原因是由于立法严重缺位、司法机关的不当司法行为、新闻媒体的任意报道、刑事被害人与司法人员保护权利的意识淡薄等方面引起的。
The immature of our theory on online privacy limited the legislation process. 然而我们对网络隐私权的理论研究还不成熟,直接制约了立法的进程。
Combined with the present legislation in our country, to further perfect our country in the future of public figures privacy legislation work put forward some simple idea. 结合我国的立法现状,对进一步完善我国今后的公众人物隐私权立法工作提出了一些简单的构想。
By contrast, it is later to research the right to net privacy in our country, the relative legislation is imperfect, and many tort behaviors cannot be impeded. 相比之下,我国的网络隐私权的研究就起步晚很多,现实中立法也不完善,许多侵犯公民网络隐私权的行为都得不到有效的控制。
The third part introduces the present situation of privacy protection of citizens in the existing legislation. 第三部分,介绍了我国现有立法对公民隐私权的保护现状。
Internet privacy legislation in child protection, the United States had been in the forefront of the times. 在儿童网络隐私权的立法保护方面,美国一直走在时代的前沿。
Finally, in view of the recessive interview, protection of the right to privacy legislation lags behind and the inadequate status of the property of non-property relief legislation, the author puts forward legislative proposals. 最后,针对我国有关隐性采访、隐私权的保护立法滞后和非财产性救济立法不足的现状,提出了本文作者的立法建议。
To prevent "human flesh search" from violating privacy right, we shall start with general legislation of privacy protection and legislation of privacy protection under the Internet environment both sides, it is particularly important to enact Personal Information Protection Act as soon as possible. 为了防范人肉搜索侵犯隐私权,我们应当从保护隐私权的一般立法以及网络环境下的隐私权保护立法两方面入手,尤其需要重视的是要尽快颁布《个人信息保护法》。
In the process of special business privacy legislation, it should properly solve the problems mentioned in the fourth part of this text. 在专门的商业秘密立法中,应妥善解决本文在第五部分提出的问题。
Therefore, we can not be absolute protection of intellectual property rights, there must be a reasonable boundaries, and intellectual property law and civil legal system to protect the privacy of their own legislation, its abuse of intellectual property regulations there are some limitations on. 所以,我们对知识产权的保护不能绝对化,要有一个合理的界限,而知识产权法和民事法律制度本身作为保护私权的立法,其对知识产权滥用的规制就存在一定的局限性。
Our country does not have a perfect system of the right of privacy. In the aspect of legislation, protection is indirect, relies on the right of reputation or general personality interests. 我国没有较为完善的隐私权保护制度,在立法方面仍以侵犯名誉权或一般人格利益进行间接保护。
Our nation should learn when privacy legislation. Specific types of provisions should be operable. 我国在进行隐私权立法的时候应当避免其不足,做到条文具体类型化,可操作性强。
The third part will be combined with the various issues raised above, the corresponding protection measures ( including preventive measures and relief measures), and the protection of patient privacy legislation. 第三部分,将结合以上提出的各种问题,提出相应的保护对策(包括预防性措施和救济性措施),并提出保护患者隐私权的立法建议。